
Tamdaw是2024年開始於App Store提供iPhone使用者下載的專注時鐘軟體。Tamdaw有阿美語「人」的意思,除了提醒使用者按時專注、按時休息,還有護眼提醒、飲水提醒、藥物提醒,並具有歷史紀錄功能。Tamdaw幫助你在專注的同時也能保有健康,讓路走得更加長遠。

Tamdaw is a focus clock app available for iPhone users on the App Store, starting in 2024. Named "person" in the Amis language, Tamdaw offers more than just timely focus and rest reminders. It includes features for eye protection, hydration, and medication reminders, coupled with the capability to track all these activities. Tamdaw is designed to help you maintain your health while staying focused, enabling you to extend your journey towards better focus and well-being.

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Made with love and 🧋🧋🧋 in Taipei, Taiwan